About ESA


The European Society for Agronomy (ESA) is a scientific society created in 1990 with the aim of promoting the science of Agronomy and its use in agriculture and rural development across Europe.

Further to the decisions taken at the ESA General Assembly in Edinburgh and to the member’s vote held in January and February 2017 of the dissolution of the ESA association and the continuation of the ESA as a scientific network  has been agreed. Since the 1st of September 2018, the European Society for Agronomy (ESA) has now become a scientific network without any fees to pay and no more administrative secretariat and budget to manage.

The objectives of the scientific network are to initiate a Congress of the ESA every second year and to promote the exchange of scientific and practical experience between experts in agronomy. The network is coordinated by a steering committee.


Steering Committee (2024 – 2026)

ESA is managed by a steering commitee
(info@european-agronomy.org This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )

Dr. Evelin Loit (Estonia)

Dr. Evelin Loit (Estonia)


Estonian University of Life Sciences evenin.loit@emu.ee

Prof. Dr. Edith Le Cadre (France)

Prof. Dr. Edith Le Cadre (France)

Past President

Institut Agro Rennes-Angers Agrocampus Ouest edith.lecadre@agrocampus-ouest.fr

Dr. Antonius G.T. Schut (Netherlands)

Dr. Antonius G.T. Schut (Netherlands)

President Elect

Wageningen University tom.schut@wur.nl

Prof. Dr. Roberto Ferrise

Prof. Dr. Roberto Ferrise

European Journal of Agronomy (EJA)

University of Florence roberto.ferrise@unifi.it

Prof. Dr. Yuxin Miao

Prof. Dr. Yuxin Miao

European Journal of Agronomy (EJA)

University of Minnesota Twin Cities | UMN ymiao@umn.edu

Steering Commitee (since 2017)

President Past President
President Elect European Journal of
2022-2024 E. Le Cadre (France) C. Nendel (Germany) E. Loit (Estonia) R. Ferrise (Italy)
Y. Miao (USA)
C. Nendel (Germany) A. Delgado (Spain) E. Le Cadre (France) P. Peltonen-Sainio (Finland)
2018-2020 A. Delgado (Spain) C. Carlen (Switzerland) C. Nendel (Germany) P. Peltonen-Sainio (Finland)
2017-2018 C. Carlen (Switzerland) C. Watson (UK) A. Delgado (Spain) P. Peltonen-Sainio (Finland)

 Executive Boards (1990 – 2017)

President Past President President Elect Executive Secretariat
2016-2017 Ch. Carlen (Switzerland) C. Watson (UK) A. Delgado (Spain) J. Wery (F)
2014-2016 C. Watson (UK) P. Pepó(Hu) B. Jeangros (Switzerland) J. Wery (F)
2012-2014 P. Pepó(Hu) F. Stoddart (Fin) C. Watson (UK) J. Wery (F)
2010-2012 F. Stoddart (Fin) J. Wery (F) A. Nábrádi (Hu) J. Wery (F)
2008-2010 J. Wery (F) P. Rossi (I) F. Stoddart (Fin) M. Donatelli (I)
2006-2008 P. Rossi (I) M. Fotyma (PL) J. Wery (F) M. Donatelli (I)
2004-2006 M. Fotyma (PL) J. Roy Porter (DK) P. Rossi (I) M. Donatelli (I)
2002-2004 J. Roy Porter (DK) E. Fereres (SP) M. Fotyma (PL) M. Donatelli (I)
2000-2002 E. Fereres (SP) H. Stutzel (D) J.Roy Porter (DK) D. Picard (F)
1998-2000 H. Stutzel (D) M. Zima (SK) E. Fereres (SP) D. Picard (F)
1996-1998 M. Zima (SK) H. Spiertz (NL) H. Stutzel (D) D. Picard (F)
1994-1996  H. Spiertz (NL) L. Giardini (I) M. Zima (SK) P. Girardin (F)
1992-1994 L. Giardini (I) A. Scaif (UK) H. Spiertz (NL) P. Girardin (F)
1990-1992  A. Scaif (UK) D. Picard (F) P. Girardin (F)
1989-1990  Launching committee chaired by D. Picard, co-chaired by A. Scaife P. Girardin (F)